Become a


We’re excited to partner with you.

Unlock the power of healing for your clients through short therapeutic films.

Here’s what to expect.


Schedule a discovery call.

We’ll set up a brief introductory call to give you an overview of our platform, what membership looks like, and answer any questions you have.


Watch the onboarding video.

After our discovery call, we’ll share a link to our onboarding video and official application.


Pay your membership fee.

Next, you’ll pay your membership fee and unlock exclusive access to our film library. You can start browsing immediately and access all educational resources.


Join an implementation call.

Finally, we’ll schedule an implementation call to discuss how to properly and effectively integrate the films into your practice.

Frequently asked questions

Are your films considered a curriculum?

In part, yes—however, we prefer to describe them as a tool. Our films are best used as a stand-alone offering or in conjunction with the work you’re facilitating. Just like an emotional regulation tool (like breathwork!), you could spend an entire session discussing it or simply incorporate it into the work you’re already doing.

Are your films designed for one-on-one sessions or groups?

Both! Our films can be used individually or in group settings.

Do I need to be a therapist to use your films?

Nope! We equip anyone who facilitates healing-centered conversations with the tools you need to effectively use these films and support client healing.

Where do I implement your films into my program?

Our films are designed to be versatile and flexible. Facilitators can use our films in multiple ways: As a stand alone curriculum, immediately following your curriculum, embed within your current curriculum, in a one-on-one session, or as a measurement of change. 

How do I know if this is the right tool for my client?

Our films are designed to be helpful to anyone who has experienced harm or violence within the commercial sex industry—regardless of age, race, gender, or other unique identities. As a facilitator, we defer to your professional judgment to determine if your client is a good fit for therapeutic short films.

My client already acknowledges that they’ve been trafficked. Are your films right for them?

Yes! Many of our facilitators’ clients have already acknowledged their trafficking or exploitation experience. These films serve as a tool to support post-traumatic healing and growth by helping them identify “stuck points” connected to their worldviews or beliefs.

Will older adults relate to the films?

Yes! Our films focus on addressing “stuck points” and are applicable for all ages. In particular, older adults may be able to better connect with their younger selves—possibly enhancing compassion for their previous experiences. 

Are the films used to provide education on trafficking?

It depends. The primary purpose of our films is to address psychological stuck points and promote growth related to an exploitative experience. If appropriate for the viewer, many facilitators incorporate educational elements into their sessions. While most curriculums seek to simply give information to the client, our films are designed to evoke insights and new understandings.

Why do the discussion guide questions focus on the film characters?

We focus our discussion guides on a client’s perceptions of the characters—because it ultimately elicits the client’s worldviews, values, and beliefs in a non-threatening way on the client’s own terms. While discussing characters in the film, a client is likely experiencing new insights and healing.

How does film engage different types of learners?

Watching film engages a broad spectrum of learners, including logical, linguistic, visual-spatial, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, and kinesthetic.

Other questions?

Our team is always available to answer your questions or discuss how you can integrate therapeutic films into your practice.

Reach out